Orlovich Family on the Go
Caleb's Story


I am excited to go to Russia for quite a few reasons.  First, I will be able to build relationships with the Young Life staff that I don't yet know and see the staff (my extended family) that I already know and love so much.  Next, I get to spend a lot of with my dad all over our own country and across the world and learn more about his job and see how he loves his friends there. Finally, I will be able to see how God uses the staff and volunteers over there to change a lot of kids' lives and let them know how they (and their beautiful country)  have impacted my family's life as well.

Thanks for considering supporting me in this amazing opportunity. Please pray for me as well as consider donating some money to help me go. I am grateful for this chance to see what God has in store for me.


Caleb and his Ukrainian Friends 2013.  The tall guy in the gray is Sergey aka "Jason" and he was Caleb's leader at camp in Ukraine.  Sergey recently moved to be the Area Director in Kalinengrad, Russia.  Caleb will be able to reconnect with Sergey. Sergey will be surprised at how tall Caleb has gotten!

This is Caleb with Sergei Z who lives and does ministry as an Area Director for Young Life in Moscow, Russia.  Caleb is excited to have time with him again.  Sergei and his wife are expecting their first baby this summer. 
Brian and Caleb are at Field Games in Ukraine where they served at summer camp in 2013.  They are looking forward to doing ministry together in the country of Russia that Brian loves so much.  Brian's first life-changing trip to Russia with Young Life took place in 1989 when Brian was going into his 12th grade year.  Little did he know then that he would have this amazing adventure with his son before Caleb's 9th grade year.  God is the God of the details. 
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