Orlovich Family on the Go

Abby's Story

My dear friends,

A few months ago, I applied to go to Colombia with Young Life this summer to work at a camp as a part of summer staff/work crew. Good news: I was accepted to go! I am looking forward to this opportunity to love people with Jesus' love, serving God and people in whatever way He chooses to use me. My time in Colombia may include serving food to the students and their leaders, helping with games, and doing other miscellaneous tasks around the camp.  It will without a doubt include meeting new friends, speaking Spanish (which I absolutely love), and experiencing God in new and bigger ways.

I need approximately $1,800 to cover airfare, lodging, food, and in-country travel. But most importantly, I need your prayers. I will be departing June 24, 2015, and returning home July 2, 2015. We will fly into Bogotá and, after that, I am unsure of the plan. I will be traveling with a group from all over the United States, including my mom and one of my best friends, Daniella, who went with us when we went to Ukraine to serve at the Young Life camp there two summers ago.

I have included a a link for a video of Young Life, Vida Joven, in Colombia so you can get a taste of what this ministry looks like thousands of miles away. This video is filmed at the camp I think we are going to this year, but I'm not sure. Will you please commit to supporting me by prayer, finances, or both? There is a "Click to Donate" link on this page if you feel called to give financially, every little bit helps.

Thank you for your loving support. I am so blessed and thankful to be able to include your name on this list, and pray for you while doing so. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, or if you'd just like to chat.

With love,
Abby Orlovich

Here is the video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptt9esPiEBY&app=desktop

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